Albany is alive with history

The Albany Heritage Park consists of the historical monuments and attractions on Mount Clarence and Mount Adelaide.

These include the Princess Royal Fortress the National ANZAC Centre and Convoy Lookout on Mount Adelaide, and the ANZAC Desert Mounted Corp Memorial, Padre White Lookout and the Avenue of Honour on Mount Clarence.

A single entrance to the park makes it easy to find the place you're looking for.

Mount Adelaide - Irrerup

Mount Adelaide the the location of Princess Royal Fortress wherein the National ANZAC Centre is located. At the summit, the Convoy Lookout over King George Sound is incredible. The underground bunkers and big guns at the Fortress are unforgettable.


Mount Adelaide (Irrerup), National Anzac Park Sign, Anzac Park Opening times

Mount Adelaide offers incredible views over King George Sound and the barrier islands. The historic gun emplacements guarding the harbour are impressive. The National ANZAC Centre is worth a visit.

Mount Clarence - Corndarup

Mount Clarence is the location of the Dawn Service, began by Padre White in 1930. A lookout named in his honour is the location of the dawn service every ANZAC Day. The ANZAC Desert Mounted Corp Memorial faces east, into the rising sun. Further up the mountain, the Apex Lookout overlooks Princess Royal Harbour, the City of Albany and Mount Adelaide.

Visit: Albany Heritage Park, Apex Drive, Albany, WA, 6330

Mount Clarence (Corndarup), Avenue of Honour, Albany Mt Clarence

Mount Clarence Parklands stretch from Mount Clarence over Mt Adelaide and down the mountainside to the CBD, Point King Lighthouse and Ataturk Memorial around to Middleton Beach. Just above Point King Lighthouse and Ataturk Memorial you'll find other gun emplacements and bunkers on the rocks.

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ANZAC Centenary, 2014 Flotilla Reenactment

Albany Heritage Park Videos:

The Princess Royal Fortress is one of Australia's best outdoor military museums and site of the National ANZAC Centre. Located in the Albany Heritage Park atop Mount Clarence and Mount Adelaide.

The Princess Royal Fortress on the top of Mount Adelaide was built as a result of all the Australian states contributing money and the Imperial British Government providing guns. It was the first federal defense of Australia and it opened in 1893. The National ANZAC Centre is the most recent addition to the Fortress complex and Heritage Park.

Visit Princess Royal Fortress

Albany Princess Royal Fortress, guns and ammunition.